Sunday, August 24, 2008

Of Unicorns

Greetings Dear Reader-
Sometimes, I just get an image to inform and shape my weekly post-
and this week- well, it was a Unicorn. We all love them, in fact,
my friend Deacon says that properly prepared, they taste like chicken-
He's kidding of course- stop those gasps of horror- ;-)
So, where does one find a unicorn in Second Life?
I went looking....

Welcome to Luskwood- home of the Furries- some of the greatest and most
innovative builders in Second Life- and also one of the oldest groups.

Defined by a series of aerial platforms, and connected by teleportation, the
outward simplicity belies the internal complexity and understanding of group and SL dynamics.

And here I am- as a Unicorn in Old English dress- just couldn't wear a modern look
with such a medieval creature- although someone did suggest a tutu...

Luskwood is perfectly designed for it's purpose- getting folks together- and it's
foresty decor is easy to live with, especially if you are fur bearing.

I enjoyed my visit, and will stop by again,just to say "Hi" to the gang up in the trees.

My search for the elusive unicorn was rewarded with an introduction to these mythical creatures....That's Pegasus Ziskey on the left and his partner Findhorn McLaglen on the right.

These fellows were excellent company, and Chip was most delighted to meet some equine
company. Findhorn and I had planned a ride, so we set off to S. Haras to take on the
cross country course.

Snappy outfit, Find! He did tell me that for the first 2 years in SL, he had to make his own avs, that there were none other available. Of course, now we have several
sources to chose from.

Haras has the best course in SL, quite a challenge for the Chipster and I.

All in all, it was a splendid afternoon, and hopefully, we can ride again soon.

So, my gracious Reader, I hope you enjoyed this brief glimpse of the mythical critters of Second Life...I have been very busy with my Big Bash Party- 12 days to go!

And the latest news- I now have a sim- it will be called "Sundial"- and will be home to my new garden shop.

See you at the party on Sept. 5th-7th

Bye for now-

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